Monday, September 13, 2010

fiestas patronales

Hola amigos! This week is the celebration of the "fiestas patronales" in Nicaragua. September 14th and 15th are important historical dates here for the country's independence, so there should be a lot of interesting activities going on in my community, like parades and stuff. The schools don't have classes this week and most people have Tuesday and Wednesday off. This, of course, does not include Peace Corps. We have tomorrow off, but Wednesday we'll be back in business, baby. And training is just about to get real.
Next week I'll be observing, and possibly co-teaching my first class in the secondary school. This week we have 2 meetings with the grupo de jóvenes that we formed in the community. We will also have to travel to a larger town on Friday and Saturday to meet with all the TEFLers and learn all about malaria and dengue fever (yaaay) and talk more about our future jobs as English professors in Nicaragua.
On a lighter note, tomorrow I'll be visiting the "Laguna de Apoyo" to do some swimming. Then I'll probably take the rest of the day to do some required reading and some leisurely reading and probably some yoga.
I am loving it here-- loving my family and loving my neighborhood. I love you all, too!

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