So it rained all day yesterday. In fact, there was a rather apocalyptic storm that knocked down a pretty large tree in the compound. And I thought rainy season had ended!
It was a beautiful and terrible storm and I wanted to sit outside to watch it, to feel the rain on my face. But it became too violent and I took refuge in my hut, closing the shutters against the rain and the wind.
I was alone in the hut and I felt slightly scared, like a child again, afraid that the thunder would crack the world open and that I would fall into the crack.
Anyway, the rain continued into the night and it was actually chilly outside. I lay in my bed, covered only by a pagne (2 meters of African fabric), which is usually a sufficient cover. Around 4 am, however, I woke up feeling cold and so I reached down for the nasty wool cover down by my feet, which was half on the floor and half on the end of the bed. I pulled it over myself and as I arranged it over my body, I felt something hard in the folds. I turned on my flashlight and saw a petrified frog!
Now I'm no veterinarian, but I'm pretty sure this frog died of dehydration... about a week ago.
So I tossed the frog and went back to sleep.
The end.
1 comment:
So it was like frog jerkey? You shoulda ate it..
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