Sunday, July 12, 2009

I gave you all the wrong number... and don't worry about Guinea in the news

So first of all, I am leaving tomorrow morning for Forecariah for my three month training. I won't have electricity (or internet, of course). So I can be reached my letters and by phone. I gave my phone number to some of you and I want you to know, if I gave you a number ending in 97, it's wrong! The correct number ends in 92!


Also, we just saw some stuff on about Guinea preparing for an attack from drug cartels. Don't worry about that, please. It's a lot of hype and I am very far from any of the allegedly involved borders. I will be completely out of harm's way. My biggest threats at the moment are water parasites and mosquitoes! And I am doing everything in my power to protect myself from those things :)

I will take care of myself to the best of my ability and the universe will do the rest. C'est bon!
I love you all!

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