Thursday, January 8, 2009

dental clearance underway and patience like the Buddha

The bad news is that I've been a blog-slacker, but the good news is that I haven't been slacking in getting things done!

I spent a good portion of my last couple of days at the dentist's office getting my paperwork filled out. I went there on Tuesday morning for my 8:00 appointment (why did I DO that after only sleeping 3 hours?) and I didn't get in to see anyone until about 8:50.
Then I gave them my Peace Corps forms to fill out and they seemed to get really confused. They did about 18 x-rays of my teeth for the Full Mouth Set (FMS) that the Peace Corps requires. Then I waited in the waiting room for another 45 min. Then I saw the dentist, who poked around my mouth and told me I have two small cavities that require fillings, but an otherwise healthy mouth (I was relieved because I haven't seen a dentist in like 7 years...). Then they did another x-ray-- the one that goes around your head and beeps like a robot. The dentist looked at that and told me that I need to get my wisdom teeth out too. He wrote me a referral for an oral surgeon in their adjacent office (my appointment for that is next Monday). Then I waited for another hour or so (luckily I had a book to read) before I got my teeth cleaned.
Of course they told me to floss more often. I really should.
I pestered them for copies of the FMS and pestered them even more to make sure my form was completely filled out.
Then I paid 30 dollars in co-pays and made an appointment for the following day, yesterday at 13:20.

Yesterday, after a difficult workout with my trainer, I returned to the office at 13:00, only to be accused of missing my appointment, which was apparently at noon. I showed the desk lady the card that said 1:20 and she got me in right away. I got numbed up and got the fillings in what was a much quicker appointment than the previous day. My insurance covered most of the fillings, so I ended up paying 60 dollars.

Now I just have to call my insurance and beg for them to cover my wisdom teeth extraction!
Then I can get cracking on the medical forms. Eek.

And now, a word on patience:

In all the waiting and misunderstanding, I felt the ever-present pull of my ego, who wanted to be annoyed, impatient, and outraged by the incompetence of the people who worked there. However, I reminded myself to be like Buddha and chill out!
So I meditated, right there in the office, focusing on the sqaure pattern on the carpet and breathing in and out. I felt the love coming out of my being, blessing everyone around me.
As I was leaving both times, I thanked the women who collected my money and told them sincerely that I appreciated what they do. I saw the changes in their demeanors, surprised and touched by my kindness, they smiled and returned the thanks.

My purpose in life is to bless the world-- the people around me. If I can make that happen in a busy and hectic dentist's office, I can make it happen anywhere.
Note to self (and others): Remember to breath and smile. Radiate kindness and love no matter how annoyed you may feel. Then the annoyance will dissolve into peace.

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