The mind tends to create strangely vivid dreams when a person travels, or even when a person is about to travel. Some of the most interesting dreams I can remember, I've dreamt in France or Africa, or right before coming or going to either one. Maybe it's the mind trying to make sense of life's changes. Maybe it's the mind trying to cope with subconscious fear of these changes.
Why fear? Why do our minds tend to resist change in all its inevitability?
Lately I've been having half-Spanish apocalyptic dreams. Subconsciously, perhaps, I'm trying to deal with the fact that I know that in about 16 days, my life is about to change in a big way and I don't know what it will look like.
Since I've come back from West Africa, I have settled into a pretty comfortable existence, even though I knew it'd be temporary, only until my next assignment. I created a routine that probably made my subconscious mind feel secure and safe and now I'm throwing myself back out of this comfort zone, into the vast unknown world. I'm doing it on purpose, yet a part of me resists.
Sorry subconscious mind, but I'm sure it's all for the best...
I've been packing my things for Nicaragua and getting rid of things I don't need. I'm storing some of my stuff in boxes in Joy's garage. I am labeling and organizing, which makes me feel calm. When I left for Guinea, it was all in a frenzy and I sort of threw my stuff together without rhyme or reason.
This time around, I feel like I have a better idea of what I'll need and what I won't. I also have a better idea of what I'd like to come home to in 2 years: not chaos! When I was evacuated from Guinea, I came home to a few boxes of things thrown together, many of which I had no immediate use for. This time I know what I'll want when I come back. Things that will comfort me in the re-adjustment process: sweatpants, Snuggies, running shoes, old t-shirts, photos, books and journals.
Every time I travel, I get better at it ;)
This time, I'm definitely bringing my yoga mat.